What would you like to do at The Art Factory? Name (optional) First Name Last Name Email Address (optional) This helps us send you info that you want What are you interested in: Check as many as you'd like Hand building clay classes Wheel pottery lessons Wheel pottery for fun Drawing classes Drop-in drawing classes Figure drawing Oil painting Acrylic painting Watercolor painting Printmaking Papermaking Studio rental Summer Art After-school art Birthday parties Bridal parties Team building activities Field trips Homeschooling Is there something you would like to learn that is not on the list? What time works best for you? Morning (10:00) Midday (12:00) Afternoon (3:00) Evening (6:00) Which day works best for you? You may check more than one Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thank you so much for your feedback! We value your input. We want The Art Factory to be your creative place! Thanks so much for helping us make The Art Factory your creative space!