How is your day today?

Well, my day is going well, thanks for asking!


Why do you like stripes so much and are they in the order of ROYGBIV?

The order is not in ROYGBIV. And as far as the stripes go, we wanted color; there was siding on the original building so it was the easiest to do


Is throwing pottery easy and will you offer pottery classes?

Thanks for asking, it can be, it is not and sure, it’s easy!! That’s a tough one, some people take to it quickly and some not so much. We will be offering classes soon. Probably in May.


Any other questions?

Of course these are not questions we get asked - they came with the website.  Just wanted to give you some reading pleasure.  We're still a work in progress - check back soon - we'll come up with some better ones!  Enjoy your day!