Make an impact today

Support our mission by contributing a donation.

Every donation is greatly appreciated!

How does your donation help?

  • Donations help us expand our programming and enable us to offer free classes.

  • We are able to offer more classes that will enrich our community such as printmaking, paper making, painting - the list is endless!

  • Donations help us purchase exciting equipment for special processes like printmaking, glass fusion, paper making and so much more.

  • We are able to go out into our community and reach those that cannot come to us.

  • We are able to help out local charities and schools donating to their fundraising activities.

  • Your donation helps with our day to day operating. You help us create with you and many!

“The Art Factory has given me the opportunity to learn a new craft, expand my comfort zone, and create something meaningful and personal over and over again. The staff members are so kind and helpful, and truly want the people who visit to love creating something unique and to grow in their knowledge of art.”


“Thank you so much for providing a creative space for little artists to explore and experiment with art and colors. It’s the exact kind of place I have been looking for.”

C. Ange, Mom of 3